my favorite person is 4 years old. she likes when i call her on the phone and pretend to be a cat. we meow to each other. her name is hailey. i wish she could stay 4 forever, and never learn to pronounce words like geejus (jesus), lespian (lesbian), nibbles (nipples). and lellow (yellow) correctly.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
hailey girl.
my favorite person is 4 years old. she likes when i call her on the phone and pretend to be a cat. we meow to each other. her name is hailey. i wish she could stay 4 forever, and never learn to pronounce words like geejus (jesus), lespian (lesbian), nibbles (nipples). and lellow (yellow) correctly.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Places I Want to Go
not in any particular order....
- egypt
- argentina
- prague
- ireland
- greece (santorini, paros, mykonos)
- paris
- africa
- israel
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Interesting Person of the Week #3

Name: Sara Elizabeth Schrader.
Relationship status: taken.
Relationship status: taken.
Age: 21.
Sex: Female.
Ethnicity: Mexican.
Favorite thing to do: play tether ball with 3rd graders, make up interpretive dances, prank call (this is why we are friends).
Dream Job: teacher.
Fun Fact: Sara has double jointed shoulderblades. you should ask her to demonstrate sometime.
Nickname: tits suprise there.
Fondest adolescent memories: eating ice cream at beasts landing, diving for gold in my pool (we were cool...), working at jamba juice and dealing with a frequent customer who housed a tree in his shopping cart/rocked the short jean shorts/ and called himself the green hornet.
music of the week.
Pony - Erin McCarley
Lady - Styx
Constellations - Jack Johnson
Best Friend - Queen
Sleeping to Dream - Jason Mraz
Nothing Ever Hurt Like You - James Morrison
She Holds the Key - Gavin DeGraw
Sister Christian - Night Ranger
Yellow - Coldplay
Faithfully - Journey
Take me Home Tonight - Eddie Money
Lady - Styx
Constellations - Jack Johnson
Best Friend - Queen
Sleeping to Dream - Jason Mraz
Nothing Ever Hurt Like You - James Morrison
She Holds the Key - Gavin DeGraw
Sister Christian - Night Ranger
Yellow - Coldplay
Faithfully - Journey
Take me Home Tonight - Eddie Money
You know the great thing, though, is that
change can be so constant
you don't even feel the difference
you don't even feel the difference
until there is one.
It can be so slow that you don't
It can be so slow that you don't
even notice that your life is better
or worse, until it is.
Or it can just blow you away,
Or it can just blow you away,
make you something
different in an instant.
-- Kevin Kline, "life as a house"
different in an instant.
-- Kevin Kline, "life as a house"
ryan reynolds.
personal photography favorites
e l e p h a n t s.

i love elephants. they are my favorite animal. i feel so bad when i see them at county fairs and people are paying to ride on their backs. they are probably housed in tiny cages which is just ridiculous considering their massive size. i understand the desire to ride an elephant but i dont see how it is fair to trap them in a ring just so people can enjoy a 5 minute ride. giraffes are my second favorite animal. they are so exotic looking and if i had painting skills id probably try to paint a picture of one. but i dont. national geographic has the most amazing pictures on their website. the photo of the day just happened to be elephants which is what sparked my tangent above......but you should look at their pictures everyday because they.just.rule.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Shoot, I forgot I had a blog all week! Now I'm going to have to back track to remember all the things that are worth writing about. I spent my weekend watching an 8 year old. What fun that was. She had a swimming lesson at the community pool in Irvine. Asians galore. Later on, we went to see the Disney movie "Ponyo"...which was originally a Japanese kids movie that was brought to the U.S. Needless to say, I had my asian fix for the day. Monday, Sarah, Angela and I did a spin class at 24 hour. It was the most ANNOYING 1 hour of my entire life, thus far. The instructor has a calling to be a tour guide at the ZOO and she hasn't realized it yet. She was insane with her personal stories and vivid images that she was seeing in front of her as our class "climbed to the summit". F. I had no motivation to keep spinning so I pretty much just sang along to the music, that wasn't even good music by the way. She told me and Sarah at the end that she noticed we were smiling a lot. Listen up lady, get a clue and go find a different job. Except the thing is that I wouldn't even enjoy her if she was a tour guide. Stay tuned for interesting person of the week #3. Its gunna be a good one folks! :)
In other news, I'm taking a class Fall semester at Santiago Canyon Community College. You are probably wondering why, and it is because I love learning and I'm not ready to be done with school. I am going to take Human Genetics!!! If you are thinking that I'm weird, keep it to yourself because I already know. Also, Sarah and I are going to take a ceramics class at an art studio once a week. Yipeee!!!!!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Interesting Person of the Week #2

Name: Jackson Eric Truax
Age: 22
Marital Status: Engaged (sorry ladies)
Patronus: The Beatles
Favorite Song: "Like a Rolling Stone" by Bob Dylan
First Memory: "At age 2, I remember the first time I heard Bob Dylan's "Rainy Day Woman #12 & 35". It is a song about getting stoned, but I don't get stoned."
What People Don't Already Know: Jackson is incredibly politically attentive, and he likes to play music and jam.
Nicknames: "The Jet" which is what people at home call him, and "Ringo" because he's a wannabe...hehe (sorry jackson)
Favorite College Memory: When Jackson wrote and sang a song about Moby Dick for Brian Glaser's English class (I was there).
Fun Facts: Jackson got his first hickey to the song "Baby I love Your Way" by Peter Frampton. Any girl who likes Bob Dylan is a huge turn on for Jackson.
Monday, August 10, 2009
the reason why i love the office.
"Why do you keep a diary?" -Michael Scott.
"So I can keep my secrets from my computer" - Dwight Schrute.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Friday, August 7, 2009
home sweet home.
I am back at home in San Diego. I love being home. Except that there were a bunch of ants in my room when I arrived. I hate ants. And fleas. And spiders. Basically all bugs. My mom made me a picture book of my 4 years of college. It was really nice of her, except that it threw me back into the nostalgic state that I had been out of for a few weeks now. But its ok, I love it and I look at it on average 5 times a day. My parents and I went to the mall and had dinner. I miss them and I wish I could see them more often. Alexa never hangs out with us anymore, she is always off with her friends. Pffft teenager. She missed out tonight though, because my dad and I watched Twilight. Yes, Twilight. I've seen this movie about 6 times already. I love watching movies, even if they aren't the greatest ones out there. (except horror flicks...yuck). During the movie my mom interrupted to ask if I had ever peed in a pool before. What kind of question is that? Of course I have, who hasn't? This opened a can of whoopass and a look of disgust from my mom. Bahahaha. Don't act like you've never done it before, because I know you have, and if you haven't, well then pretend you never read this.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
pineapple salsa.
I realized that my bank account had been overdrafted a large amount due to unauthorized charges. Perfect. Just what I wanted to have to deal with today. And to top it off, the man at the bank told me I looked tired. Thank you sir, I didn't already know that.
good thing pineapple salsa saved the day. thank you trader joes :)
good thing pineapple salsa saved the day. thank you trader joes :)
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Interesting Person of the Week #1

Age: 27
Relationship Status: single
Place of Birth: West Covina, CA
Nicknames: Tina Turtle, "I got this nickname because when I'm thinking or running, its pretty slow. I am also slow at getting jokes" ( i beg to differ about the running slow part).
Favorite thing to do: Read anime
Favorite Band: Destiny's Child
Patronus: Cat
Favorite Color: Purple. Tina always wears purple to work, and has a purple rolly backpack
Fun Fact: Tina is double jointed. Tina rides the bus to and from work. Tina wears her cell phone around her neck. She doesn't watch movies in the theater because she likes to make comments and people tell her to be quiet. Tina is a fan of High School Musical and recently attended the Anime Convention in Los Angeles.
Tina brightens up my day, and that is why she is Interesting Person of the Week #1 :)
Stay tuned for next week....if you have any suggestions, or if you think you're interesting enough to be featured as the person of the week, let me know.
what a woman!

Gramma Joan. What can I say about Gramma Joan? Other than she is the most wonderful woman I've ever known. Being the mother of my mom's best friend, Chris, she is not my biological grandmother, and yet she has been just as much a grandma to me and my sister as the real deal. Always with a smile on her face, and a big warm hug waiting to greet you, her presence in my life has been so inspirational. Living with pancreatic cancer for the past 2 years, you never would've known she was suffering. She still traveled back and forth from her home in Hawaii, to Santa Barbara, and to other countries, making sure she fufilled everything that was on her "bucket list". Joan is such a beautiful lady, and had many male suitors dropping to their knees at her feet. Her sense of humor never ceased to crack me up and her outlook on life was truly admirable. It is so difficult to see someone you love so much come to the end of their journey in life, and to not be able to help ease their pain. I hope to someday be at least half the woman Joan is, and I feel truly blessed to have been touched by her life.
Monday, August 3, 2009
August 3, 2009
Tina leaves Friday. Nobody will ever know how sad inside that makes me. But I will miss her every single day. I need to blog more. There are a lot of interesting things that happen in my life on a daily basis that I'm sure everyone would like to be informed about. I didn't fufill any of my goals for suprise there. I have been practicing commitment though, I havent missed a day of work yet! WOO. I also changed my life plan. I kind of forgot about it for a while. Life has been busy, which is good because I do better when I'm busy. The new plan is to move to New York next June and work for a magazine or newspaper. I really should put my Creative Writing major to use...considering how much debt I am in after completing it. I want to live in a big city, I think it would be so exciting. Plus, a change of scenery could only do me good. I dont know how well I'll handle the cold weather in the winter, but I have a few pairs of long underwear so I'll figure it out. Then after New York, I am going to teach abroad in Italy. I'm in the process, or rather my mother is in the process, of helping me obtain dual citizenship in Italy, so once that is approved, I'm leaving the country indefinitely. ENOUGH SAID!
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