Monday, November 23, 2009

Favorite Things.

People: Family.
Food: Pasta Fajoli.
Song: Fix You by Coldplay.
Season: Christmas.
Color: Red.
Shoe: Vans.
Drink: Hot chocolate.
Animal: Dogs.
Place: Italy.
Happy Place: The ocean.
Hobby: Photography and pranks.
Happiness: The little stuff.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

"All this Time" by One Republic.

Six on the second hand til new year's resolutions
There's just no question what this man should do
Take all the time lost, all the days that I cost
Take what I took and give it back to you
All this time we were waiting for each other
All this time I was waiting for you
We got all these words, can't waste them on another
So I'm straight in a straight line running back to you

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

While at CVS...

Marlie was on the hunt for mini perfume...and I was keeping myself entertained by singing along to the song they were playing, which was "Your so vain"...and some random guy who was in line behind me says "You go girl! No shame in your game. You sound better than my girlfriend!".....I turn around to see this fella wearing a jean jacket...and missing some teeth.

Just the highlight of my night.

Oh, Luis.

My friend Luis gets his own blog entry. His claim to fame, and entrance into my life began during the Spring of 2009 when he mistaked Vince Riedel for "Flynn". It was an honest mistake, and a hilarious one at that. Ever since then, my interest in this character of a human being grew. He is from Mexico and is currently an undergrad at Chapman University studying film. We couldn't even get through an episode of True Blood without him critiquing different things. My favorite thing about Luis is that he isnt like everyone else. He's different, and sometimes its refreshing to hang out with someone who doesnt fit the social norm, especially in Orange County. I asked him about his views on school and come to find his answer wasnt what you'd expect. He thinks its pathetic that kids complain about having homework, when they are paying for an education, and supposedly doing what they love (or should be anyway). His favorite songs are a toss up between Lady Gaga's "Bad Romance" and "Paparazzi". (ewe). If he could do one thing to change the world, it would be to establish film theaters in third world countries, free of charge, so that the impoverished millions could escape their lives for an hour or two to be entertained. He also says he would give them all pony's....

Anyway. This meager blog entry doesnt do enough to shine the spotlight on this person...but you should get to know him, if you don't already. He's pretty funny, and a good friend too.

Object of my heart's desire.

Pentax 35mm. Belongs to my dad. I'm going to try and fix it, and hope it works. I don't think it's been used since the 70's! yeeeeeeeeeeeeeehaw.

Monday, November 16, 2009

"I'm a war of head versus heart. And it's always this way, my head is always weak, my heart always speaks before I know what it will say" - Death Cab for Cutie

The Gettttaaaaay Hey.

Thursday, November 12, 2009


This picture seemed fitting after writing my previous entry.

copyright National Geographic.

Are your pants too tight?

Well mine are. I put my grey jeans in the dryer and they shrunk to the point where I cant button them at the top...but I'm wearing a black sweater so nobody will notice except me. This triggered my memory back to a time when none of my pants fit, and it was nobodys fault but the food I was consuming. Take a look...

February 13, 2008, Florence, Italy.

Breakfast: Honey Bunches of Oats
Lunch: PB & J, Oreos, Wheat Thins
Dinner 1: Happy meal from McDonalds (disclaimer: its 10x better in Europe, than here)
Dinner 2: Salad and bread
Dinner 3: Brocoli, Chicken, Pasta
Night Snack 1: Cinnamon Sugar Toast and hot chocolate
Night Snack 2: Egg Salad Sandwich
Night Snack 3: Bread with Nutella

And to think of what I'd look like if I hadn't been walking 30 minutes to and from school everyday AND going to the gym....BAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHA

Good times.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Nostalgia Wins.

These are some pictures from my study abroad adventure to Florence, Italy in Winter/Spring of 2008. I found my journal that I kept while there, and as I flipped through the pages, the sunken chest feeling returned and suddenly I was overcome with nostalgia. I am so thankful that I kept a journal while I was there, because I documented everything from random happenings to conversations between people I was there with. It was such a special experience that I wouldnt trade for anything. Go study abroad if you get the chance. I promise you wont regret it.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive."

Hey, Soul Sister - Train

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Miss you people.

Today I am particularly missing the former residents of 352 S. Center. They have gone out into the world to pursue their dreams, and I miss them! Sarah and I are going to New York in February...well, we hope so. Its going to be our plan. And we are going to see Ashley and Craig...and reunite as one happy family.
Forgive and forget. That’s what they say. It’s good advice, but it’s not very practical. When someone hurts us, we want to hurt them back. When someone wrongs us, we want to be right. Without forgiveness, old scores are never settled… old wounds never heal. And the most we can hope for, is that one day we’ll be lucky enough to forget.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Today in the world...

Kathmandu, Nepal
Acapulco, Mexico
With the exception of their veils, these girls of Barfurush, near Meshed-i-Sar, look, dress, and act like American girls in an Italian district—an interesting sidelight on the New Persia.
copyright National Geographic.
Life is a great big canvas, and you should throw all the paint on it you can. ~Danny Kaye