Name: Jackson Eric Truax
Age: 22
Marital Status: Engaged (sorry ladies)
Patronus: The Beatles
Favorite Song: "Like a Rolling Stone" by Bob Dylan
First Memory: "At age 2, I remember the first time I heard Bob Dylan's "Rainy Day Woman #12 & 35". It is a song about getting stoned, but I don't get stoned."
What People Don't Already Know: Jackson is incredibly politically attentive, and he likes to play music and jam.
Nicknames: "The Jet" which is what people at home call him, and "Ringo" because he's a wannabe...hehe (sorry jackson)
Favorite College Memory: When Jackson wrote and sang a song about Moby Dick for Brian Glaser's English class (I was there).
Fun Facts: Jackson got his first hickey to the song "Baby I love Your Way" by Peter Frampton. Any girl who likes Bob Dylan is a huge turn on for Jackson.
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