Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Men...well, Boys rather.

In a recent outing to In N Out...I became a victim of a harmless prank. You see, when the cashier handed me the receipt, I grasped his hand with mine while taking the receipt from him. He was laughing so much that he had to disappear into the back room so he could get it together before returning to greet other customers. I was laughing as well. In the meantime, my dear friend Vince had written down my phone number on the back of this very receipt and set it in the window. We drove to the next window and were waiting for his food, when much to our suprise, this very same boy appeared at the window and handed me a piece of paper with his name and phone number on it. His name was "radames"...naturally. He looked 16 years old...but Vince and Sarah reassured me that working at In N Out was a legit job that offered health AND dental insurance. Wow talk about security. Anyhoo...we get home and I type in his name into Facebook, because I mean how many people name their kid "radames"...and clearly not many when he was the first person to pop up. The boy, and yes he's a boy because he isnt even 18 yet...is not only underage, but HAS A GIRLFRIEND. Seriously?!?!? Why the heck would he give me his number, which is in fact his legit phone number because it is also on his facebook page, when he has a girlfriend. That poor girl has no idea that her boyfriend, innocent RADAMES, has just given his digits to an almost 22 year old WOMAN. bahaha. What is the world coming to these days?!?!?!

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