Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Oh, Luis.

My friend Luis gets his own blog entry. His claim to fame, and entrance into my life began during the Spring of 2009 when he mistaked Vince Riedel for "Flynn". It was an honest mistake, and a hilarious one at that. Ever since then, my interest in this character of a human being grew. He is from Mexico and is currently an undergrad at Chapman University studying film. We couldn't even get through an episode of True Blood without him critiquing different things. My favorite thing about Luis is that he isnt like everyone else. He's different, and sometimes its refreshing to hang out with someone who doesnt fit the social norm, especially in Orange County. I asked him about his views on school and come to find his answer wasnt what you'd expect. He thinks its pathetic that kids complain about having homework, when they are paying for an education, and supposedly doing what they love (or should be anyway). His favorite songs are a toss up between Lady Gaga's "Bad Romance" and "Paparazzi". (ewe). If he could do one thing to change the world, it would be to establish film theaters in third world countries, free of charge, so that the impoverished millions could escape their lives for an hour or two to be entertained. He also says he would give them all pony's....

Anyway. This meager blog entry doesnt do enough to shine the spotlight on this person...but you should get to know him, if you don't already. He's pretty funny, and a good friend too.

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