Today I am particularly missing the former residents of 352 S. Center. They have gone out into the world to pursue their dreams, and I miss them! Sarah and I are going to New York in February...well, we hope so. Its going to be our plan. And we are going to see Ashley and Craig...and reunite as one happy family.
makes me wanna cry. i was going to blog about this adventure! hahahaha.
i still love the picture of you and jenna cupping her boob while i'm smiling away not having a clue what was going on. love all of you! i want becca and chrissy to come, too! (though maybe we should all head out to belgium...)
GIRLFRIEND!!! Your (and Sarah's) blog just makes me an emotional MESS!!! I miss you toooo much! That is wonderful to hear you are going to New York in Feb, gosh if you buy tickets let me know! MAYBEEEE I can get some time off and fly out there! But if not, we will definitely be reunited in June. I miss you so much Yenna, your refreshing personality and uplifting spirit is needed in Europe! Love you times infinity!
You're coming to New York and aren't excited to see me?! Crazy girl...crazy.
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